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Symptoms and Treatment of TMJ 2023

The temporomandibular joints are a hinge that joins your jaw with the temporal bones of your skull located in the front of both ears. It allows you to move your jaw upwards and down and chew, talk, and yawn the other way around.

Jaw problems and the muscles of your face that regulate the jaw are known as temporomandibular disorders (TMD). However, you should be more informed about the term TMJ following the joint. Finding a TMJ specialist near mecan be a tedious task. So will give you the ways to find TMJ specialist in this article. Keep on reading!


The signs and signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders could be:

  • The tenderness or pain in your jaw
  • The pain can be felt in both or one of the temporomandibular joint
  • An itch within and around your ears
  • The difficulty of chewing or the pain when chewing
  • Aching facial pain
  • The joint is locked, which makes it hard to open or close your mouth

TMJ problems can also create clicking or discomfort whenever you chew or open your mouth. If there are no limitations or pain due to the jaw clicking, you will likely not require treatment for the TMJ disorder.

What is the treatment for TMJ problems?

Because TMJ issues can have many causes, there are many methods to treat them.

Doctors typically recommend beginning with at-home treatments initially. This is because many more complex therapies require more research to establish efficacy.

Home treatments

In most instances, the signs of TMJ problems can be addressed by self-care at home. To lessen the discomfort of TMJ at your home before visiting a tmj specialist near me, try the following:

  • Eat soft foods.
  • Ice is a great way to decrease swelling.
  • Reduce jaw movements.
  • Do not chew gum or hard foods (like beef Jerky).
  • Reduce stress by taking measures. Stress.
  • Utilize jaw-stretching exercises to improve jaw movements.


If you discover that your jaw isn’t relieved by home treatments, Some medication, whether over-the-counter or prescribed by a physician, can provide additional relief.

A few of the drugs comprise:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • corticosteroids
  • muscle relaxers
  • antidepressants
  • local anesthetics

Your physician will help determine the proper medication for you based on your situation and medical history.


Sometimes, your physician may suggest physical therapy. Based on the location that requires attention, your treatment may consist of the following:

  • heating therapy
  • cool therapy
  • acupuncture
  • tissue mobilization
  • resistance exercises
  • stretches

Talking therapy or stress-management exercises are other options if you or your physician believe your TMJ problem is caused by stress.

The Procedure Of Surgery Or Any Other

If your complaints do not improve after the treatment methods described above, your doctor could decide that your illness needs more severe treatment.

Botox injections are a popular treatment. In general, these injections are utilized to treat painful trigger points or chronic teeth grinding. However, the research behind this procedure isn’t yet available from Trusted Sources.

The doctor might recommend surgical treatment to cure your condition in rare instances. These procedures can include:

  • Corrective dentistry for better alignment and improved bite.
  • arthritis, which eliminates debris and fluid from the joint
  • the surgical procedure to repair the joint

Treatment procedures for the condition could increase the severity of your symptoms. Discuss with your physician the possible risks associated with these procedures.

How can we prevent TMJ?

You may not be able to stop TMJ disorder from forming. However, you can reduce the signs by lowering stress levels, using exercise and physical therapy, and consulting with a doctor or dentist if you frequently grind your teeth in the evening.

Possible solutions to teeth grinding include wearing a mouthguard late at night and sometimes taking muscle relaxants.

Finding a TMJ Specialist Near me

Dentistry is a field with many aspects, specifically the area of TMJ; the term TMJ specialist isn’t technically available. Instead, if you require surgery to repair the joint and relieve any associated symptoms, your dentist will suggest an orthodontist and maxillofacial specialist. These specialists have an in-depth understanding of the human anatomy and are trained to carry out various surgical procedures.

Before you commit to any treatment, Don’t be afraid to conduct research and contact an area dentist to learn more about the individual’s credentials, knowledge, and experience. 

If you decide to see one of the TMJ specialists near me, the initial procedure they’ll conduct is an exhaustive examination of your mouth. They’ll also perform a series of images of your teeth, bones, and gums. They’ll be able to provide an exact image of the present state of your health and oral hygiene, as well as the amount of treatment you need.

If you need help finding a qualified dental professional, make an appointment today.

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